Saturday, December 28, 2019

Haber De and Haber Que in Spanish

Two of the most common phrases using haber are haber que and haber de, both of which can be used to express obligation or the need to perform certain actions. Keep in Mind Haber que, usually in the form hay que, is used in the third person to say that an action is necessary or essential.The more formal haber de  can be used to say that a person or entity needs to take  an action.Both haber que and haber de are followed by infinitives. Hay Que and Other Forms of Haber Que Haber que is the more common, although it is used only in the third-person singular, which is hay que in the indicative present tense. In the present tense haber que is often translated as it is necessary, although in context you might also translate it with phrases such as you need to, you should, you have to, or we need to. Note that the phrase hay que doesnt explicitly state who or what needs to take the action, only that its necessary. But if the intended meaning points to who needs to take the action, that can be specified in the English translation as shown in some of the examples below. The phrase is followed by an infinitive, the most basic verb form. A veces hay que perder para ganar. (Sometimes it is necessary to lose in order to win.)Para ser doctor, hay que estudiar mucho. (In order to be a doctor, you need to study a lot.)No hay que comprar un mà ³vil a un nià ±o antes de los 12 à ³ 13 aà ±os. (It isnt necessary to buy a cellphone for children before theyre 12 or 13.)Se queremos hijos felices hay que enseà ±arle a navegar en tempestades. (If we want happy children, we need to teach them to navigate through turmoil.)Hay que comer solo cuando tengamos hambre. (We should eat only when were hungry.)Hay muchos libros que hay que leer. (There are many books that need to be read.)No es suficiente criticar al presidente,  ¡hay que votar! (It isnt enough to criticize the president — you need to vote!) Haber que can also be used in other tenses and the subjunctive mood: Esta vez habà ­a que ganar. (This time it was necessary to win.)Hubo que esperar 30 aà ±os. (It was necessary to wait 30 years.)Tarde o temprano va a haber que pagarlo. (Sooner or later it is going to be necessary to pay it.)El gobierno cambiarà ¡ lo que haya que cambiar. (The government will change what needs to be changed.)Nunca pensà © que hubiera que decir eso. (I never thought it would be necessary to say this.) Haber De Haber de can be used with a similar meaning, although this use is usually fairly formal or literary. Haber is conjugated fully, not confined to the third person in the way haber que is.  ¿Quà © he de estudiar para poder escribir libros? (What do I need to study in order to be able to write books?)Has de pensar en tu vida. (You need to think about your life.)Hemos de determinar el nà ºmero de gramos de nitrà ³geno que hemos de obtener. (We have to determine the number of grams of nitrogen we need.) In some areas, haber de also can express probability in much the same way that have to (or sometimes must) in English can express likelihood rather than obligation: Aquà ­ ha de caer la lluvia. (Rain must have fallen here.)La solucià ³n al problema ha de ser difà ­cil. (The solution to the problem must be difficult.)Has de ser rica. (You must be rich.) Finally, haber de in the conditional tense can be used, especially in questions, to express the idea that something doesnt make sense:  ¿Por quà © no habrà ­a de darle la mano a la reina? (Asked not to get information, but to express amazement: Why shouldnt he shake hands with the queen?) ¿Por quà © el universo habrà ­a de tomarse la molestia de existir? (Why would the universe go to the bother of existing?) ¿Por quà © habà ­an de creer la verdad, si la mentira resultaba mucho mà ¡s excitante? (Why should they have believed the truth, if the lie turned out to be much more exciting?) ¿Quià ©n habrà ­a de hacer eso en Panamà ¡? (Said in an incredulous tone: Who would do that in Panama?)

Friday, December 20, 2019

Should Marijuana Drugs Be Legalized - 932 Words

The subject of drugs has certainly been an issue that has been widely discussed. Over the years, it has always boiled down to whether all drugs should be legalized or not. While the United States has been arguing over the topic of for many years, countries, such as Portugal, have taken an alternative and very unique way to fight the war on drugs. In 2001, the Portuguese government decided to flip its war on drugs strategy entirely: It decriminalized them all (Aleem). At first, this strategy was greatly criticized because people believed that decriminalizing drugs would not solve Portugal’s problem. They believed that the country would fall into the abyss of increased drug usage, criminals, and corruption. Actually, none of that has happened, and 15 years later, the country is doing much better than it has before, especially in terms of usage rate and health (Aleem). I believe the United States should decriminalize drugs just like how Portugal did because decriminalizing drugs can actually reduce drug use and its consequences, improve public safety and health, and can make a positive economic impact. In the United States, using drugs come with very harsh consequences. These consequences include addiction, jail time, and drug related deaths. These same consequences can be seen in Portugal before their drug decriminalization, but have reduced immensely after 2001. When we think about drugs, we think about children and teens succumbing into peer pressure to use drugs. WhileShow MoreRelatedShould the drug marijuana, that most try to not be associated with, be legalized? Or should it be500 Words   |  2 PagesShould the drug marijuana, that most try to not be associated with, be legalized? Or should it be legalized for prescribed for those individuals who suffer serious or chronic medical illnesses such a cancer or arthritis? Should it even be legalized at all? Legalization of marijuana draws a huge concern to people across the country. It could raise revenue through tax dollars for the states or our country, put drug dealers out of business, or even reduce the number of thefts and robberies occurringRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?849 Words   |  4 Pageswhether marijuana should be legalized. Around 23 states have legalized marijuana for medical and recreational use. In the state of Illinois, medicinal use of marijuana has been passed on April 17, 2013. Since January 2014, patients are able to obtain marijuana with a doctor s recommendation. The new debate is whether marijuana should be legalized for the general public as a recreational drug. Although some believe that marijuana is harmless, and that it has beneficial medicinal uses, marijuana shouldRead MoreLegalization Of Marijuan It Is A Criminal1470 Words   |  6 Pagesago, CNN the world s most recognized news station. They were showing a story about how medical marijuana helped a three years old girl, who was suffering from a several epilepsy. From the story, this three year old girl could have a hundreds of seizures within a day. However, one day his father, who was a retired military, he ma de a research and found a good testimonies about how a medical marijuana helped these men, children, and women with the same condition as his daughter. Therefore, he decidedRead MoreJail Time For A Fair Crime?1295 Words   |  6 Pagesnames that the infamous drug, marijuana is known by. Marijuana has been smoked for many years now. This drug has gotten so popular amongst high schoolers and college students. Even the President of the United States has smoked pot once in his life. This drug’s popularity has increased over the years that some states have even legalized the drug, due to it being so popular. However, with the use of such an illegal drug come consequences. Many people who have used this drug, face charges against themRead MoreEssay on Legalization of Marijuana, Cocaine, and Prescription Pills1713 Words   |  7 PagesStates, there are many drugs that are outlawed due to their supposed harmful and dangerous effects on humans. Some of these drugs include marijuana , cocaine, heroin, and prescription pills that are abused by people to whom they are not prescribed. Recent movements have called for the legalization of all of these drugs. Although it appears that legalization of all drugs on the market seems like a valid movement, in reality, all hard drugs such as cocaine and prescription pills should remain illegal becauseRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?812 Words   |  4 PagesKush, Pot, Weed, Mary Jane, marijuana is known by many names. Americans perceive marijuana as an awful drug. But have americans discovered that marijuana has be known to contribute good and bad qualities for the human body. Americans should legalize marijuana because there has been no evidence that anyone has ever died of marijuana overdose, Marijuana is a safer drug than others, and Marijuana has a lower risk of addiction than most legalized drugs. To begin with, Marijuana was first known to be discoveredRead MoreShould Marijuana Be Legalized?1456 Words   |  6 Pagesuse of marijuana is illegal in over half of the United States, but it is still the third most popular recreational drug in the United States. The debate for this drug to be legal has been going on for many years; some states have legalized the drug for medical use, and some for recreational use as well. Other states seem to disagree; they are not in favor of making the drug legal for medical use or recreational use. It has been proven that marijuana has a positive impact on society. Marijuana shouldRead MoreEssay on Speech on Legalization of Marijuana in Brazil870 Words   |  4 Pageson Legalization of Marijuana in Brazil Good morning class mates. Today I am going to discuss the legalization of marijuana in Brazil. I strongly believe marijuana should be legalized. I am not here to encourage anyone to use or not use marijuana. Yet I do believe that many current problems may and can be solved by its legalization. Marijuana is the most popular drug in Brazil after tobacco and alcohol. Discrimination is the reason why marijuana has still not been Read MoreEssay about Should Marijuana Be Legalized in the United States?1569 Words   |  7 PagesThe topic of legalizing recreational marijuana in the United States has been a very controversial one. States such as Colorado and Washington have gone on the offensive and have legalized recreational marijuana and have enjoyed the high revenues brought in from cannabis sale. On the other hand other states have kept low profiles because they are wary of the possible negative outcomes of legalizing recreational marijuana and are using the states of Colorado and Washington as guinea pigs to see whatRead MoreWhy Not Legalize Marijuana? Essay1173 Words   |  5 PagesMarijuana should be legalized for both recreational and medicinal use because the US economy can reap significant benefits from legalization as well as create an influx of jobs and also to reduce street and gang disputes relating to marijuana. Also, mari juana should be legalized because it has been dealt an unfair hand by society and is justifiably safer than most know it to be. First, marijuana should be legalized in the US for both recreational and medicinal purposes because there is a very substantial

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Data Mining Performance Improvement Classification

Question: Discuss about the Data Mining for Performance Improvement Classification. Answer: Introduction: AIH has initiated to use the Data mining technology for easing their operations and functions. They have initiated the process of financially supporting the students from financial point of view for making sure that they complete their studies and get degrees from AIH. They want to do all this without the involvement of the government. Determine Business Objectives: The objectives of the AIH organization for implementing data mining process are: New funding system: The AIH organization has planned to start a system where they would fund the students for pursuing their higher studies from the organization. There are many students who cannot complete their studies after high school due to lack of funds and shortage of educational scholarships by the Government. Hence, the AIH would form its own student funding sector without the help, support and involvement of the government for supporting the students to complete their studies. Increased data processing: The use of data mining would be helpful for collecting and managing the huge amount of data that have to be stored for providing the students with scholarships. Many information and personal details of the students including their family background must be stored and kept at the ease of access for funding the students to pursue the studies. Increase of students at AIH: AIH has the primary objective of incrementing the number of students in the AIH by the use of data mining and funding process. The use of the funding the students, AIH would be able to encourage more students to pursue their studies. Problem area: The process of data mining requires the management of technological advanced tools and techniques. The data mining provides the advantage of management of huge amount of data and information for business organizations (Mir Pinnington, 2014). However, data mining has some flaws like it is complex and not easy to understand, the technical requirements for the system is large in number, and the process requires exhaustion of considerable sum of money. The data mining requires skilled experts who have the experience and knowledge for the processes of data mining (Wu et al., 2014). The data mining process requires some specific tools (system configuration and access) and software (licensed with administrator permission). These tools and software have a reasonable price and it makes the data mining costlier from other processes. There are many universities and institution that are using the data mining as a tool for managing the data flow of their organization. According to Larose (2014), the use of the data mining tools and objects would assist the organization for maintaining their records and students information. AIH has initiated the student funding program in their organization and they need the use of data mining for managing the huge amount data and information that has to be processed for the new funding program. The motivational factor for the implementation of the data mining process in AIH was the need of an advanced system that could process he amount of data generated for the funding process of AIH. The organization had been using the information system for maintaining their records. However, there was no use of data mining within the organization. The process of funding the students requires the approval of the higher authorities of the AIH like investors, directors, and owners. The data mining process have to provide the report to the top management team of AIH. The top management had to give their permission and consent before the initialization of the funding process. However, the technicians and Information Technology experts would have to manage the data mining process in AIH. Business objectives: The data mining process would assist the AIH organization for easing the process of data management of all scales (small, medium and large) (Liu Motoda, 2012). The analysis of the students data and evaluating his or her chances for the education funding process could be benefited with the use of data mining process. However the organization has certain goals from the data mining process, such as- Increment in the number of students in the university Offering the students with the privilege of fees and living expenses Encourage more people like professionals, senior citizens, low income gainer, homemakers, and rural people to pursue their education Business success criteria: The success criteria of the project include the commercial success, meeting the users requirements, meeting the budget of the project, and managing the quality (Cserhati Szabo, 2014). The factors behind these success criteria are project mission, schedule and plan, top management support, and monitoring and feedbacks. The success criteria, assessor and specified business objective of AIH are provided in the table below- Success Criteria Assessor of the Criteria Specified Business Objective Commercial Success Students who would join the AIH for pursuing their studies Increment in the number of students in AIH Meeting the Users Requirements Technical team who have made the design and operation process of data mining Implementation of data mining process in the organization Meeting the Budget of the Project Investors who would invest in the project Getting the funds from different institutions Managing the Quality The organization AIH owner and other related personals Increasing the market reputation of AIH Assess situation Inventory of resources: The process of data mining would require various resources and they have been listed below- Types of Resources Resource Economic Resources: All the investments and sum of money used for covering the expenses on the data mining process are included in the project. Cash in forms of Investments, Capital, and Revenues Collected Human Resources: It covers the man strength (skill or manual) that is required for the completion of the data mining process. Technical support, data processing experts, and system designers Technical Resources: It covers the aspects of technology, data, software, and system requirements for the data mining process. Hardware (system configuration and devices), software (tools for data mining and processing), and data provided by the students Sources of data and knowledge: The data sources are the different study, research papers, and other materials that show the data and the method used for collecting the data (Liese et al., 2013). Secondary data is the sourced data that is being used by an individual and the data has been collected from practical experiments and researches done by someone else. Different types of data sources include socially available Research papers, Census reports, Survey, Online data archives, and Statistics reports can be sued for getting data on data mining performances. Knowledge sources are the researches and books from where knowledge on any particular topic can be gathered and used for their project (Agarwal Shah, 2014). The different types of knowledge sources include the empirical experiences (natural experiences and restricted observations), surveys and check sheet, and dissertations available for research purpose. Requirements, assumptions and constraints: The project of implementing the data mining process at the AIH for easing their operations and data management requires technical, economic and human resources. They have been listed below- Requirement of the project Description Cash and Assets The cash and assets are the primary requirement for the project (Majewicz Sampson, 2016). it is attained in forms of Investments (sum of money invested by different institutions), Capital (amount invested by the AIH owner), Revenues Collected (collected fees from students), and assets in form of land, building and other properties of AIH. Software The data mining requires some tools and software (licensed software) for operations of the data processing. Hardware The system configuration of the data mining consists of hardware requirements such as computing devices, storage device, and other peripherals. Human Skills The technician, data processing experts, and system designers for data processing would be required as the form of human support for development of the data mining processes. The security and legal issues of data mining include the phishing, unauthorized entry, spamming, and data theft. The schedule of the data mining project along with the comprehensibility and quality of outcomes are shown in the table below Operation of project Expected time duration Desired Outcomes Making plan for the Data Mining Process 2 days A plan for the project of data mining project is completed Designing the data mining system 14 days Design for the system of data mining process Implementing the data mining system 23 days System for data mining process is implied at AIH Alignment of the data mining process with AIH operations 7 days Operations of AIH and data mining has been aligned on same platform The assumptions that were made in the project of data mining implementation at AIH are presence of technical support (skilled experts of data mining process), abundance of favorable system tools (licensed software for data mining), and integrity of information (students data would be concise and clear). The constraints of the project were shortage of time, no previous knowledge of data mining, and exhaustion of resources (Xu Moon, 2013). The non checkable assumptions include the possibility that all the team members were compatible to work with each other and there was no other issue in knowing whether the investors were dissatisfied from the project. The risk factors and their contingency planning has been shown in the table below Risk factor Conditions of Risk factor Contingency Planning Management issues The data mining is completely based on technological development of the AIH (Lin, Cercone, 2012). Hence the management of the project operations would require technically skilled members. Plan for project operations should be developed from the use of the project management tools and techniques Investor dissatisfaction towards security issue The growth of dissatisfaction among investors due to the security issues of data mining could result in creating technical reasons. Secured design for the data mining process should be used for the operations at AIH Bad debts The funding of the students can result in bad debts for AIH. The students might not be able to payoff later due to some reasons and it is the financial risk for AIH. Some provisions for bad debts must be made which could be used for minimizing the loss from bad debt Data Redundancy The data stored in the data mining database can result in creation of data redundancy (duplications of data). System integration would help in detecting redundant files Government interference The government was not involved in the project. however, for the lack of showing government concern can act as the business risk The project plan charter should be submitted to the government Determine data mining goals Determine data mining goals: The benefits of data mining in an organization include the advantage of marketing, financial operations, large scale data management, and increase in production. AIH has got the above mentioned benefits for their operations and achieving their goals. The data mining goals of AIH includes- Short Term Goals- ease the operations of student data processing, improve the efficiency of admission in AIH, and making the investors clear about the objectives and progress of AIH are the short term goals of the data mining project. Long Term Goals- Increasing the efficiency of operations for getting maximum reputation and developing scope for global based data processing are the long term goals for the data mining project. Intended output of project- The intended output of the project includes the formation of a system process for data mining operations. The data mining would help in cluster detection process in AIH that would be useful for the recognition of the pattern in the large data sets of the students information. The operations of data mining would be useful in AIH for improving the function of admission process of students. The technical benefits of data mining include the accessibility, scalability, performance improvement, and integrity. Problems of data mining: The problems of data mining in AIH include complexity, security issues, and costing. The problems of the data mining are the result of operations requirements and system development. The large scale operations would be responsible for the increasing of the data mining complexities. The data mining has to face issues of security and data lost. The problems of data mining also include- Classification Description Prediction Technical Problems Data redundancy Design failures Complexity Huge amount of data makes data redundancy more probable and effective Ethical Problem Security issue Unauthorized entry The flaws in security has been a result of designing errors and provided the scope for unauthorized entry Bibliography Agarwal, R., Shah, S. K. (2014). Knowledge sources of entrepreneurship: Firm formation by academic, user and employee innovators.Research Policy,43(7), 1109-1133. Bernabeu, E. E., Thorp, J. S., Centeno, V. (2012). Methodology for a security/dependability adaptive protection scheme based on data mining.IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery,27(1), 104-111. Bhardwaj, B. K., Pal, S. (2012). Data Mining: A prediction for performance improvement using classification.arXiv preprint arXiv:1201.3418. Cserhati, G., Szabo, L. (2014). The relationship between success criteria and success factors in organisational event projects.International Journal of Project Management,32(4), 613-624. Larose, D. T. (2014).Discovering knowledge in data: an introduction to data mining. John Wiley Sons. Liese, A. D., Barnes, T. L., Lamichhane, A. P., Hibbert, J. D., Colabianchi, N., Lawson, A. B. (2013). Characterizing the food retail environment: impact of count, type, and geospatial error in 2 secondary data sources.Journal of nutrition education and behavior,45(5), 435-442. Lin, T. Y., Cercone, N. (Eds.). (2012).Rough sets and data mining: Analysis of imprecise data. Springer Science Business Media. Liu, H., Motoda, H. (2012).Feature selection for knowledge discovery and data mining(Vol. 454). Springer Science Business Media. Majewicz, P., Sampson, M. (2016). Electrical, Electronic, and Electromechanical (EEE) Parts Management and Control Requirements for Space Flight Hardware and Critical Ground Support Equipment... aka... The NASA EEE Parts Standard, NASA-STD 8739.10. Mir, F. A., Pinnington, A. H. (2014). Exploring the value of project management: linking project management performance and project success.International Journal of Project Management,32(2), 202-217. Polkowski, L. (Ed.). 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Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Possible Individuals Overcome Challenges †Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Possible Individuals Overcome Challenges? Answer: Introducation Directing MIND and WILL refers to a concept that has been in existent since 1957 and is denoted as brains that are responsible for making decisions that are corporate. Lord Denning is the person behind this concept. In addition, the person who makes decisions should also determine the companys focus and direction. Thinking ability makes it possible for individuals to overcome challenges. This is because the mind knows what the correct thing to be done is. Ones mind should be self-directed so as to allow one to be free and act as human. In order for a mind to be able to direct, it should have an ability to adapt, wake as well as style itself to its preferred nature. Also, it should have ability to make whatever happens the way it should have. Natural persons are important in actions of a company which is a legal person. Therefore, there is need for guidelines to companys attribution of the state of mind and acts of the individuals. When a companys essential rights are questionable, there arises attribution questions which can as well arise when a company is prevented from imposing a judgment or pursuing an act that is favoring itself due to its misconduct. However, there are limits in its attribution. For example in case of insolvency of a company, its shareholders cannot authorize breach of duty even if they are unanimous and also the companys assets are not prone to over riddance by the companys directors as the interests of the creditors. PIERCING THE CORPORATE VEIL refers to a decision that is legal to treat a companys rights as those of its shareholders. A company, which is a single legal person, is usually responsible for its debts and profits. A companys responsibilities and rights are independent from individuals who invest in or own them. Therefore, there is a method provided by a company to individuals to share losses and profits as well as to operate a business Piercing the corporate veil may occur when courts hold a companys shareholders, owners and members personally accountable for the debts of a business. The creditors are allowed to go after the investments, assets, home and bank accounts to recover their debts. However, the courts do not hold innocent parties responsible for the debts but rather they impose liability on the specific individuals who are behind the actions that are fraudulent. Situations in which courts might pierce corporate veil include: when there lacks a real separation between the owners of the company and the company itself. Also, where the actions of the company are wrong and where there is an unjust cost suffered by the creditors of the company. Larger companies are more prone to suffer compared to smaller ones who obey formalities. Thus larger companies are likely to experience a piercing of their corporate veil. Therefore, it is advisable for all companies to observe the set rules that maintain and govern companies. This can be done by holding meetings with the shareholders to discuss progress, embracing guidelines and ensuring they are abided by and also maintaining accurate company records. References Ferran, E., 2011. Corporate Attribution and the Directing Mind and Will. Bonnett, M., 2002. Education for sustainability as a frame of mind.Environmental Education Research,8(1), pp.9-20. Barber, D.H., 1980. Piercing the Corporate Veil.Willamette L. Rev.,17, p.371. Vandekerckhove, K., 2007. Piercing the corporate veil.Eur. Company L.,4, p.191. Choi, S.J., 1997. Company Registration: Toward a Status-Based Antifraud Regime.The University of Chicago Law Review,64(2), pp.567-651. Singh, P.J. and Mansour-Nahra, P., 2006. ISO 9000 in the public sector: a successful case from Australia.The TQM Magazine,18(2), pp.131-142.